I'm using Celcom services for the past 3 years. I do own Celcom postpaid line & dedicate Celcom 3G line which I'm using it to connect the internet. I'm using notebook connecting directly to the internet via the 3G Datacard. Lately, I faced some problems when using this 3G services. I do made several complaint to Celcom customer service but nothing much they do to solve my complaint. I felt like a ball being kicked around because nobody really try to solve my complaint.
Luckyly, I found a guy that work in Celcom company & he gave all the top management email address to me for lodge the complaint straightly to them. I email my complaint to Celcom Senior Vice President(Network), Celcom Vice President(Network), Celcom General Manager of Northern Region & Celcom Head of Network Northern Region. I got immediate response from them regarding my complaint. The Celcom General Manager of Northern Region called me personally & told me that he will look in to this matter by himself.
Later, I received an email from the Vice President(Network) & he promised me to solve the problem as soon as possible. So, do we need to know all the top management people in order to solve our complaint at any company?There is a statement always quote by us - "Customer Is Always Right". For me, the customer is not always right but they are always the customer. So people, do know your rights & use your power correctly.