Monday, June 25, 2007

The Super 14 Has Left The Gunners

The rumors were true. Finally Theirry Henry has left Arsenal and heading to Catalan.

P/S : The downfall time for The Gunners?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

No Wonder Malaysia Woman Became 'Andartu'

via Utusan Malaysia,

Sejuta wanita Malaysia makin gebu, gempal, gemuk

Oleh Norliza Abd. Rahman

PUTRAJAYA 12 Jun – Kajian Bahagian Kawalan Penyakit Kementerian Kesihatan menunjukkan hampir 20 peratus penduduk dewasa dan 21 peratus kanak-kanak di negara ini mengalami ‘Masalah 3G’ iaitu Gebu, Gempal dan Gemuk.

Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek berkata, kajian tahun lalu itu menunjukkan satu juta atau 18.8 peratus wanita berusia 25 hingga 64 tahun adalah gemuk, manakala bagi lelaki sebanyak 13.9 peratus atau 850,000 orang.

P/S :
3G=third-generation mobile phone technology or 3G=Gebu, Gempal & Gemuk?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Our Very Own 'Paris Hilton' Engaged

Diana Naim, the famous girl by doing nothing at all engaged with nasyid singer. Congratulation to her & hopefully this engagement will end up with marriage.

P/S: Diana Naim WORLD...!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Today's Most Romantic Phrases

“My love for Endon will remain as strong as ever. Then, I fell for this one. I believe God has created in your heart many spaces for different people that you can love as much as you want"

P/S : Abdullah Ahmad Badawi revealed his 'ayat power'....

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Ayahku Kahwin Lagi - Nori & Kamaluddin Abdullah

This woman, Jeanne Abdullah will be the next Malaysia First Lady. She will tie the knot with our sleepy Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi this Saturday at Sri Perdana. Her previous job was maid at Sri Perdana, Putrajaya. No wonder our PM manage to fall in love. For Nori & Kamaluddin, congaratulation on new step-mom & sisters.

P/S : Maid in Manhattan or Maid in Putrajaya?

Monday, June 4, 2007

'Andainya Aku Pergi Dulu' - Loga Alleycats Passed Away Today

The infamous Afro-Hair singer in Malaysia, Loga of Alleycats passed away this morning due to lung cancer. My condolences to Loga's family & to all his friends.

P/S : I had the chance to watch Alleycats perform 4 years back at Uncle Chilis Pub, PJ Hilton. It was fantastic..!!!